Amending SC Boundaries

Any city organization or resident may submit a request for an amendment to the SC Designation boundary (meaning inclusion of an area into the designated boundary) for consideration.

The review process for amending the SC boundary will occur as following:

  • Boundary request submitted to the Planning Department:
  • The boundary request must provide the following information:
    • Address of the boundaries of the area to be considered for  inclusion, and
    • Bullet points of how the area is aligned with the SC action plan which includes six overarching strategies.
  • The Planning Department in collaboration with other city agencies will review the amendment request and decide whether to approve or disapprove the request based on information provided in the request and its alignment with the SC Action Plan.
  • The final approval of the request will be made by the State MDP internal review committee.
  • The requester will receive a letter from the Planning Department informing them of the decision of the boundary request and the SC map will be updated appropriately.
* Please note that amendments may be submitted on a rolling basis but will be reviewed by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) internal review committee twice a year.