What’s Happening in my Area?

The Planning Department has a lot of information about what’s happening around Baltimore.  This page directs you to resources to help you find out what’s happening in your area.  You can find information about your community planner, demographic data, neighborhood plans, etc.

Community Planners

The Department of Planning’s comprehensive planners work with neighborhood stakeholders throughout the City on various planning initiatives.  The Department of Planning also maintains a Community Association Directory if you’d like to directly contact community leaders.

Interactive Map

CityView is an interactive map that provides a lot of information about what’s happening around the City.  You can use this tool to look up property lines and ownership, zoning, historic districts, plan boundaries and much, much more.

Neighborhood Profiles


The Neighborhood Profile Map allows you to click on neighborhoods on the map and view neighborhood demographic profiles. You are also able to explore various layers in the table of contents from demographic to housing data.


To look up permits for a specific address, go to Baltimore Housing’s permit search tool.  Use 311 to report work without a permit.


Comprehensive Plan  - OurBaltimore, the new plan, will be completed in 2024. The City’s current comprehensive master plan is called LIVE, EARN, PLAY, LEARN.  It is a business plan for a World-Class City, completed in 2006.

Neighborhood Plans - Baltimore is a city of neighborhoods. We are working on INSPIRE plans for the neighborhoods around the schools in the 21st Century Schools Initiative and Leveraging Investment in Neighborhood Corridors Strategy (LINCS) plans for commercial corridors. Our neighborhood plans policy and other neighborhood plans can be found here.

Topic Plans – In addition to neighborhood plans, we have many other types of plans, including park master plans, sustainability plans, transportation plans, and other policy documents.

Urban Renewal Plans - The Planning Department administers Urban Renewal Plans that contain land use, zoning, acquisition, disposition, and design regulations. 

Capital Improvement Plan - The Planning Department prepares the City’s capital budget and six year Capital Improvement Program (CIP).


Demographic data can help people understand what’s going on in a particular area and help people make better decisions.   The latest data can also be found by accessing the Department’s new City of Baltimore Profile and Neighborhood Profiles for select neighborhoods. These resources draw from the latest American Community Survey data from the U.S. Census Bureau and are updated annually. The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongoing survey conducted each year to provide the latest information on the social and economic characteristics of communities across the United States. It includes questions about age, race, family characteristics, income, housing costs and transportation mode, among other household and population characteristics.

Another rich data resource is Vital Signs from the Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance (BNIA). This report compiles data on more than 150 indicators related to demographics, housing, crime, workforce, health, housing, education and sustainability across 55 Community Statistical Areas (CSAs). CSAs reflect United States Census Tract boundaries, allowing year-to-year comparisons to be made.  Additional data layers are available through Open Baltimore.