Neighborhood Plans
To view Neighborhood Plans, click on an area on the map or choose from the list below.
Area Master Plans & Studies
As of January 11, 2018 the Planning Commission adopted a new policy regarding community-managed plans. Community-managed plans will have to meet certain guidelines in order to be accepted by the Planning Commission. You can read the entire policy here.
Arlington Elementary School INSPIRE (Adopted 2018)
Arundel Elementary and Cherry Hill Elementary/Middle School INSPIRE (Adopted 2017)
Baltimore Highlands (Approved 2023)
Barclay - Midway - Old Goucher (Adopted 2005)
Bel Air Road TAP (2011)
Belair Road Comprehensive Real Estate and Economic Development Assessment (2014)
Bay Brook Elementary/Middle School INSPIRE plan (Adopted 2019)
Broening Manor, Graceland Park, Medford and O'Donnell Heights (June 2020)
Brooklyn and Curtis Bay (SNAP) (Adopted 2005)
Central West Baltimore Choice Neighborhood Transformation Plan (2012)
Cherry Hill (Adopted 2008)
Cherry Hill Tranformation Plan (2020)
Coldstream Homestead Montebello (Adopted 2006)
Dolfield Avenue Revitalization TAP Report (2012)
Dorothy I. Height E/MS INSPIRE (2017)
Downtown Open Space Master Plan (2011)
East Baltimore Revitalization Project (Accepted by Planning Commission in September 2018)
Edmondson Village Master Plan (Adopted 2007)
Forest Park and Calvin Rodwell School INSPIRE (Adopted 2018)
Fort Worthington Elementary/Middle School INSPIRE (Adopted 2017)
Frederick Elementary School INSPIRE (Adopted 2017)
Govan Elementary School INSPIRE (Adopted 2023)
Greater Northwest Community Coalition (GNCC) (SNAP) (Adopted 2005)
Greater Roland Park Master Plan (Adopted 2011)
Greater Rosemont & Mondawmin (GRAMA) (Adopted 2012)
Greenmount West (Adopted 2011)
Harford Road Corridor Study (2008)
Inner Harbor Master Plan 2.0 (2013)
Irvington TAP (2016)
John Eager Howard Elementary School INSPIRE (Adopted 2017)
John Ruhrah Elementary School INSPIRE (Adopted 2023)
Johnston Square Vision Plan (Accepted by Planning Commission in March 2020)
Jonestown Vision Plan (Accepted by Planning Commission in August 2018)
Last MIle Park Project (Accepted 2019)
Liberty Heights Corridor Assessment (2015)
Locust Point Plan (Adopted 2004, 2006)
Lyndhurst Elementary/Middle School INSPIRE (Adopted 2017)
Madison Square Area (Adopted 2006)
Market Center Strategic Revitalization Plan (Accepted 2024)
Mary E. Rodman INSPIRE Plan (Adopted November 2021)
Matthew Henson/Easterwood Vision Plan (Accepted 2020)
Middle Branch Master Plan (Adopted 2007)
Monument - McElderry - Fayette (Adopted 2007, 2011)
Mount Vernon Master Plan (Adopted 2013)
Northwest Community Planning Forum (SNAP) (Adopted 2005, 2012)
O'Donnell Heights Revitalization Plan (Adopted 2020)
Oldtown Redevelopment Plan (Adopted 2010, 2016)
Oliver Neighborhood Vision Place (Accepted 2024)
OROSW (Operation ReachOut SouthWest) (Adopted 2002)
Park Heights Master Plan (Adopted 2006, 2008)
Patterson Building INSPIRE (Adopted 2018)
Pen Lucy Area Master Plan (Adopted 2006)
Penn North Area Master Plan (Adopted 2006)
Pimlico Elementary/Middle School INSPIRE (Adopted 2017)
Port Covington Master Plan (Adopted 2016)
REACH! Partnership School & Harford Heights Building INSPIRE (Adopted 2023)
Reimagine Middle Branch Master Plan (Adopted 2023)
Remington Neighborhood Plan (Accepted 2018)
Robert Poole/ACCE and Independence INSPIRE (Adopted 2017)
Seton Hill Master Plan (Adopted 2012)
Sharp Leadenhall Master Plan (2004)
Sinclair Lane TAP (2016)
South Baltimore Gateway Master Plan (Adopted 2015)
Southeastern Neighborhoods Development (SEND) (SNAP) (Adopted 2005)
Southwest Partnership Vision Plan (Adopted 2015)
Stony Run Master Plan (Accepted 2018)
Upton Master Plan (Accepted 2018)
West Baltimore MARC Station Master Plan (Adopted 2008)
Westport - Mt. Winans - Lakeland Master Plan (Adopted 2005)
York Road Community (SNAP) (Adopted 2006)
York Road Corridor Vision & Action Plan (Adopted 2015)
York Road TAP (2013)