The #2020Census is Here!

The #2020Census will be landing in Baltimore mailboxes starting on March 12th. And, Baltimore City residents can go to and fill out the Census TODAY!

Remember: the Census is EASY, SAFE and IMPORTANT.


You will receive a postcard invitation this month by mail! This will include a code unique to your address that can be used to respond online -- or you can respond by mail or phone if that works better for you. It will take no more than 10 minutes.


The U.S. Census Bureau can not share information with anyone by law - the Census will NOT share responses with ICE, DHS, FBI or police. The Census will NOT share information with Landlords.

The US Census will not ask for social security, bank information, or anything related to any political party.


For every person NOT counted, Baltimore will lose $18,000 in federal funds over ten years. These dollars go to support critical programming, from WIC to Head Start to community health care to transportation. 

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