Herring Run Master Plan

In early 2008 The Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks retained Mahan Rykiel Associates, Inc. to prepare a long-range master plan for Herring Run Park. Plans were already developing through the Department of Transportation to replace the Harford Road Bridge and through the Department of Public Works to replace and upgrade sewer lines as part of the city-wide improvement program for wastewater infrastructure.

The Master Plan team worked with the Herring Run Watershed Association, The Friends of Herring Run Parks (a committee of the Herring Run Watershed Association), and Morgan State University. All of the agencies and organizations have worked with the Department of Recreation and Parks during the master planning process, providing detailed information and evaluating alternative ideas. The planning process included 5 Town hall meetings, over 20 individual stakeholder meetings, and 2 park walking tours.

In April, 2009, The Draft Herring Run Master Plan was released. The Draft was posted on the Department of Planning website, made available for review at the Herring Run branch of the Enoch Pratt Library, and presented to the community at a public meeting.

During the summer of 2009 representatives from the Department of Recreation and Parks and Department of Planning met with all the community organizations in the neighborhoods surrounding the Herring Run Park Master Plan area to gather feedback on the Draft Plan. At the suggestion of the Herring Run Watershed Association Board, an Advisory Board consisting of representatives from the stakeholder groups was convened and helped direct and shape the changes to Draft Master Plan. 

The Final Plan was published on May 1, 2011. 

Herring Run Master Plan (full plan)

  1. Exhibit A - Historic Sites
  2. Exhibit B - Neighborhood Context
  3. Exhibit C - Transportation Networks
  4. Exhibit D - Active Recreation
  5. Exhibit E - HR Watershed
  6. Exhibit F - Stream Channel
  7. Exhibit G - Woodland Studies
  8. Exhibit H - Soils Analysis
  9. Exhibit I - Slope Analysis
  10. Exhibit J - Elevation Study
  11. Exhibit K - Potential Use Areas
  12. Exhibit L - Concurrent Projects
  13. Exhibit M - Concurrent Projects Enlargement
  14. Exhibit N - Illustrative Master Plan
  15. Exhibit N-1 - Upper Park Illustrative Master Plan
  16. Exhibit N-2 - Middle Park Illustrative Master Plan
  17. Exhibit N-3 - Lower Park Illustrative Master Plan


If you have feedback or questions, please email Carmen Morosan at Carmen.Morosan@baltimorecity.gov.