Promenade Information


Baltimore’s Waterfront Promenade represents a unique public and private partnership that has ensured public access to the city’s most cherished natural asset – its harbor.  It is a public pedestrian walkway/shared use bicycle path that functions as a waterfront sidewalk for development sites and public spaces that have emerged from the former industrial waterfront. The concept of the eight-mile promenade was established in the 1960’s as a key component in the Inner Harbor Master Plan – a visionary plan that proposed massive redevelopment of land adjacent to the historic harbor that was the basis for the founding of Baltimore in 1729.

The current promenade represents a mixture of public and privately owned land.  The information on this page will assist in identifying the status of a specific portion or promenade and whether it is owned and managed by the City of Baltimore or a private entity.  The following maps provide a quick reference tool to assist in identifying this ownership information.  All complete portions that are privately owned have a corresponding Promenade Easement agreement which outlines the public access the responsibilities of each party involved.  

Click on the images below to view full map.

PromenadeOverview       PromenadeMap2       PromenadeMap1          

Promenade Easement Documents 

Existing promenade easements on privately owned land can be clicked on below:

Promenade Closure Requests 

Individual easement agreements provide for a maximum number of promenade closures per year for private use.  Those requests will be accessible here:

May 18, 2018 - Under Armour Campus

May 2018 - Harbor Point - Construction Closure - route map

November 2019 - 2001 Aliceanna Street Redevelopment - Construction Closure - Route Map

This information is approximate and full agreements should be read in order to determine detailed information.