Revitalization Strategies
Strategy #1: Support Grow Baltimore by targeting investments in Main Streets and commercial corridors to support Middle Market Neighborhoods
Map areas:
Main commercial corridors in Middle Markets (apart of the Housing Market Typology) and the Main Streets program areas
Note: commercial corridors aligned with BDC enterprise zones, TransForm commercial zoned areas, and lie within Middle Market neighborhoods.
Revitalization Goal(s):
Economic competitiveness
Strategy #2: Healthy Neighborhoods
Map areas:
Healthy Neighborhoods Program targeted areas
Revitalization Goal(s):
Value Communities and Neighborhoods – Building upon assets and amenities
Strategy #3: Target investment along major transit routes
Map areas:
Proposed TOD districts in the draft TransForm Baltimore zoning code around existing and planned transit stations
BRAC areas included
Revitalization Goal(s):
Support transportation efficiency and access
Strategy #4: Target investment in arts and entertainment districts
Map areas:
Highlandtown, Station North, Bromo Tower
Revitalization Goal(s):
Support existing communities
Enhance economic competitiveness
Strategy #5: Investment in anchor institutions and major redevelopment areas
Map areas:
Redevelopment areas: Oldtown, Greenmount West, Westside Downtown, Uplands, Barclay, East Baltimore Initiative, Park Heights, Poppleton, O’Donnell Heights, Johnston Square, Coldstream-Homestead-Montebello
Anchor institutions: TBD per City-wide application process
Revitalization Goal(s):
Support existing communities
Promote access to quality affordable housing
Strategy #6: Facilitate investment in emerging markets near areas of strengths
Map areas:
West Baltimore MARC/Red Line. Proposed areas include:
Lanvale, Franklin, Monroe, Pulaski, Edmondson, Franklin, Bentalou and Franklintown Road.
Coppin Heights. Proposed areas include: North, Warwick, Thomas, Smallwood. Coppin Heights should also be considered one of the City’s development priorities.
North Avenue Gateway. Proposed areas include: Walbrook, Dukeland, Ellanmont and Poplar Grove.
East Baltimore Vacants to Value. Proposed areas include: Milton Montford community with an emphasis on the 2300-2500 blocks of East Eager Street; and Bethel Street corridor bounded by Bond, Broadway, Lanvale and Oliver Street. This area falls within multiple larger redevelopment priority areas: EBDI and Oliver.
Revitalization Goal(s):
Support existing communities
Promote access to quality affordable housing
Coordinating and leveraging policies and investment
Note: Revitalization goals are based on and align with SC goals as identified in the application.