German Park Improvements

Construction Updates as of Monday, March 23, 2020:

Believe it or not, the final phase of German Park INSPIRE + BRNI funds + Healthy Neigborhoods upgrades are finally happening!  Over $300,000 is being invested into the park.  A huge thank you to all at Recreation and Parks for making this a reality!

Below are the complete construction updates for the playground to share with all your networks, friends and neighbors:

German Park Playground

  • Starting today, work will take place over 3-4 weeks, weather and COVID-19 permitting.
  • Work hours will be 7-3:30, Monday thru Friday.
  • I’m attaching the construction plans created by Cityscape Engineering.  Additionally, attached are the equipment cut sheets so you have a digestible visual on what will be installed. Two bikes plus one everything else.
  • Site layout, fencing and demolition/ excavation started today. 
  • Playground/ exercise equipment is scheduled to arrive on the 30th, and will begin install that week.
  • The signs(2) have been reviewed and approved by Rec and Parks, and were ordered however the manufacturer is closing for two weeks, so install will likely take place at the end of construction.
  • Benches and trashcans provided by Rec and Parks will installed in near future.  We will have an update from Rec and Parks as construction and city services during COVID-19 progresses.  
  • Construction end is mid-late April, again weather and COVID-19 permitting.

Related documents:

German Park Design Concept





Throughout the Dorothy I. Height Elementary School (formerly John Eager Howard) INSPIRE planning process, community members readily agreed that improving recreation spaces in the neighborhood was a top priority, and INSPIRE funding should be utilizied to improve German Park. 

INSPIRE GO bond funding is helping to implement the vision of a German Park Master Plan, completed by the Neighborhood Design Center. The Master Plan provides a vision that incorporates input from the Reservoir Hill Improvement Council, St. Francis Neighborhood Center, residents and the City. The park is currently owned by the City’s Housing and Community Development Department; Baltimore City Recreation and Parks (BCRP) will be taking the park into its inventory once the capital improvements are complete.  BCRP have been an active lead in the master planning process. The plan addresses key issues including accessibility and keeping the park safe and clean. 

Phase 1 improvements funded with the INSPIRE GO bond funding include:

  • Mural: To kick off the improvements, last summer (2017), the Baltimore Office of Promotion and the Arts and Jubliee Arts  Art @ Work program completed a mural.
  • Demolition of the seating plaza on Linden Avenue and some walls within the park to help with safety and access.
  • Addition of ADA Accessible entrances, a walking/tricycle loop and great lawn.
  • Tree trimming to assist with safety and visibility issues.

Additionally, in partnership with the community and INSPIRE, Healthy Neighborhoods, Inc. has received funding through the Baltimore Regional Neighborhood Initiative (BRNI) to further fund Phase 2 of the park upgrades.  Phase 2 improvements include:

  • Complete electrical and lighting upgrades.
  • Playground upgrades including the addition of swings and potentially exercise equipment.
  • Landscaping and Beautification.