Robert Poole Building

To learn more about the plan and how you can be involved in helping implement it, contact Jaffa Weiss: (410) 396-5937 or, or Marie Anderson: (410) 396-3957 or

The Planning Commission adopted the Robert Poole Building Area INSPIRE Plan on September 28, 2017. Download the plan here. 

Throughout 2016, Department of Planning staff worked with members of the school and neighborhood communities to better understand their neighborhood experiences, concerns, and needs. INSPIRE plans around high schools, such as the Robert Poole Building, are different from elementary and middle schools in that the schools are not zoned as neighborhood schools. As such, many families in Hampden do not engage with the school because their children do not attend either ACCE or Independence. Individual conversations and an electronic survey helped the Department of Planning understand some of the issues expressed by community members. Recommendations from previous plans were also evaluated and included where appropriate.

Plan materials
