Pimlico Elementary-Middle School

To participate in the Pimlico INSPIRE planning process, contact Jaffa Weiss: (410) 396-5937 or jaffa.weiss@baltimorecity.gov, or Mikah Zaslow: (410) 396-2929 or mikah.zaslow@baltimorecity.gov.

The Planning Commission adopted the Pimlico Elementary Middle School INSPIRE Plan on November 9, 2017.  Download it here.

From January 2016 to September 2017, the Department of Planning staff worked with members of the school and neighborhood communities to better understand their neighborhood experiences, concerns, and needs. Through various community engagement processes – including community, student and parent workshops, meetings with the grandparents club at Pimlico, Family Night participation, attending community organization meetings, surveys, developer tours and multiple walking tours – stakeholders have helped inform the draft recommendations presented here. Recommendations from previous plans – the amended Park Heights Master Plan (specifically the section related to the Major Redevelopment Area), Sinai’s Community Health Needs Assessment, Pimlico’ s Community Schools Planning Process and Action Plan – were evaluated and included where appropriate. Workshop participants also included representatives from Sinai, merchants groups, local developers, and staff from the Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers (ABAG).

Representatives from Sinai, City Councilwoman Middleton and her team, as well as state elected officials and staff from City agencies, including the Department of Planning (DOP), Housing and Community Development (HCD), Department of Transportation (DOT), Department of Recreation and Parks (BCRP), the Department of Public Works (DPW), the Department of Health (Health), and the Baltimore Development Corporation (BDC) also participated in meetings and/or the walking tours, and worked with DOP staff to address stakeholder priorities. Stakeholders, community staff, and community organization leaders helped ensure community participation in the process thus far. In addition, DOP worked with the National Resource Network (NRN) to help identify strategic opportunities to collaborate with Sinai and identify potential funding resources to implement INSPIRE and/or Sinai’s work.

To learn more about the plan and how you can be involved in helping implement it, contact Mary Colleen Buettner: (410) 396-5937 or mc.buettner@baltimorecity.gov .

This Plan builds off an earlier Recommendations Report. To read this Report, please use this link.

This page provides information and links to documents from the planning process to date.

  • Maps and Data

Find out where Pimlico is in the 21st Century Schools process here.

Maps and Data

Community Information

Neighborhood Context

Listen Phase

The “Listen” phase of INSPIRE work is focused on gathering information. In addition to reaching out to community members, Planning staff begin to review existing neighborhood plans and history, and collect demographic data. 

Pimlico INSPIRE Kick-Off Meeting (April 2016):



Pimlico Community Projects and Recommendation Development Meeting (August 2016):

